sunshine twins 

sunshine twins 

A big celebration with the whole GJ family in one building? YES, of course I'll be there. An awesome light show, hair demonstrations and award recognitions were pretty great. 

Being apart of this company, Ive learned a lot about this industry-the good and the bad. Plus I've made so many relationships with other stylists from all the involvement I've had with the company that I consider people I look up to with their energy, passion and their love for what we do as STYLISTS.

LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK OPPORTUNITIES? YASH, I hope my hard work pays off where I get picked and sent off to the opportunities.



  • MY BANGS: I am currently growing out my bangs and honestly, I wish they were a little bit longer with this side part style because they were SO HARD to keep it parted on one side. TAKE NOTE: If it won't stay after trying everything, change it. What I should of done was parted my bangs not so far.  
  • MY LBD ( Little Black Dress): When shopping, I USUALLY shop online and shop ON SALE. This dress is from and was only around $30. 
  • HEELS: Steve Madden $98 (my souvenir from my Vegas trip)
  • NECKLACE: a little GLITZ never hurts and its from ZARA for $10 on SALE
  • FAUX FUR JACKET: When it comes to evening events, its always good to add a mix of texture like leopard (VERY IN THIS SEASON, EVEN FOR SPRING)